Laryngitis – The emotional links to physical stress
Laryngitis – The emotional links to physical stress
How you think and feel is a mirror image of what occurs biochemically in your body, and what you see in your reality around you.
If we understand that the body is absolutely connected, we can get to the bottom of physical symptoms by understanding how they are related to our emotional state.
As air is breathed out it passes through the vocal cords allowing us to create a voice of expression (conclusion of our thoughts). This is only possible on expiration.
Our expression is based on our experiences in life.
Expiration = time that has been spent working on an area of your life.
Voice box = the ability to bring to peoples attention our conclusions about something in life.
LARYNGITIS and the loss of voice can occur when a person becomes concerned about the ability to have an opinion. The lack of this liberty cannot come through due to threatening ramifications, perceived by the individual.
This can be about the concerns towards the opinion one might have, or concerns about a lack of required facilities that would allow ones opinion to be put out there to be known.
The loss of voice can be experienced
- Sense of powerlessness
- Hopelessness, feeling stuck
- Pushing yourself beyond capacity
- Refusing to listen to your inner guidance / how to communicate this to others
- Feeling like you have ‘lost your voice’, your power, your say
- Conflicted about your feelings, confused
Speak up, speak your truth. Start with getting your true feelings on paper when you feel safe. Gain clarity of what is holding you back from expressing your thoughts. Assess reasons you may be holding back from speaking your truth. What ramifications are you worries will occur if you do?
Mantra: It is safe to speak my truth and desires. I trust that all is well in my world and I am surrounded by love and support. I value my views and express them with love and compassion.
Emotional links to disease inspired by research
by: Gregory O. Neville and Inna Segal