Amanda Campbell/ June 4, 2016/ Blog/ 0 comments


When menopause occurs this is when the change in hormones that allow the female body to carry out its physical female role.

This is a time when one can return to their own personal development again in life.

When one experiences discomfort during this change, this may be because they have an issue with this change that their body is going through.
One might feel that they have lost their ‘role’ in life, for EG when the kids leave home.

One might create an idea that their responsibilities must change as a result of the change they are going through and this concerns them.

Menopause can bring up the fear of ageing for anyone.
Or maybe an idea is created that one is unworthy of love and attention now due to the changes in the female body. It can be a time when one rejects their feminine aspect. Feeling useless or ‘past your used by date’ ideas can arise.

It may be none of these emotions at all.
Change can be scary at any stage of our lives, have you asked yourself if you are feeling ok about what is going on for you?
Try and meditate on these questions for yourself.


One must try to not harbour any issues towards the topic of progressing from the feminine role to a stage of personal development in their life.

A hot flush: may represent being concerned about working on their identity / personal development.

Focus on practicing to get the body back into safe mode.
Write a journal about your positive and difficult thoughts everyday.
Meditate on these thoughts daily and let them go.
Eat nutrient dense wholefoods.
Get 8 hours sleep a night or more.

When we change the way we feel about something it can change what we see in our reality around us, but also what occurs biochemically in the body. Everything is connected.


We are always working on our personal development in our lives.

Emotional links to disease inspired by research
by: Gregory O. Neville and Inna Segal

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